Identifying and Removing Common Household Molds

spraying mold on a wall in a home

Mold is a common problem in homes and can cause serious health problems for people exposed to it. You can find several types of mold in homes, and it's essential to understand what they are, where to find them, and what to do when you identify them. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the most common types of mold found in homes, so you can stay informed and protect your health and home.

Stachybotrys Chartarum (Black Mold)

Stachybotrys Chartarum, also known as black mold, is a mold often found in homes that have suffered water damage. It is a toxic mold that can cause serious health problems, including respiratory problems, headaches, and even memory loss. You can find black mold in basements, crawl spaces, and other areas exposed to moisture. Its greenish-black color and musty odor can identify it.

If you suspect black mold in your home, it's crucial to take action immediately. You should contact a professional mold remediation company to have the mold removed, as it can be dangerous to try to remove it yourself. The company will assess the situation and determine the best action to remove the mold and prevent it from returning.


Aspergillus is a type of mold that you can find in homes with high humidity levels. You can identify it by its yellow or brown color and see it in areas such as air ducts, bathrooms, and kitchens. Although aspergillus is not typically toxic, it can cause health problems for sensitive people, including respiratory issues and allergies.

If you suspect that you have aspergillus in your home, it's essential to address the moisture source causing the mold to grow. You may need to invest in a dehumidifier or take other measures to reduce the humidity in your home. You can also contact a mold remediation company to have the mold removed and to ensure that it doesn't return.


Cladosporium is a type of mold often found in homes with high humidity levels, particularly in areas that are not well-ventilated. It is a green or black mold that can cause respiratory problems and allergies for some people. You can find Cladosporium in basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms.

To prevent Cladosporium from growing in your home, you need to address the moisture source causing the mold to grow. Removing the moisture source may involve investing in a dehumidifier or taking other measures to reduce the humidity in your home. If you suspect that you have Cladosporium, it's essential to have it removed by a professional mold remediation company.


Penicillium is a type of mold that you can find in homes that have experienced water damage. It is a blue or green mold that can cause respiratory problems and allergies for some people. You can find Penicillium in basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms.

If you suspect Penicillium is in your home, it's essential to address the source of the moisture causing it to grow. You may need to invest in a dehumidifier or take other measures to reduce the humidity in your home. You can also contact a mold remediation company to have the mold removed and to ensure that it doesn't return.


Alternaria is a type of mold that you can find in homes that have high levels of humidity. It is a black or brown mold that can cause respiratory problems and allergies for some people. You can find Alternaria in basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms.

To prevent Alternaria from growing in your home, you must address the source of the moisture causing it to grow. Removing the source of water may involve investing in a dehumidifier or taking other measures to reduce the humidity in your home. If you suspect that you have Alternaria, it's essential to have it removed by a professional mold remediation company.

In conclusion, mold can be a severe problem in homes, and it's essential to understand what types of mold are shared, where you can find them, and what to do when you identify them. If you suspect mold in your home, it's vital to protect your health and prevent further damage immediately. Contacting a professional mold remediation company is the best action to ensure that the mold is removed correctly and doesn't return.

At Taylored Restoration, we understand the importance of addressing mold problems in homes. Our team of professionals has the experience and expertise to safely remove mold and prevent it from returning. If you're concerned about mold in your home, don't hesitate to contact us for a consultation. We're here to help you protect your health and your home.


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